Saturday, August 18, 2012

Let's concentrate on the goal

Take a skim of this - And then post your comments. Here's mine - as a former Catholic, now Protestant, I would suggest that we not be so "partisan" in our religion as to trip over the bottom line issue. Jesus was certainly concerned with taking care of the poor, but I don't find it anywhere that He sugg ested Rome do the taking care of. The more we as the faithful take care of the less advantaged, the less the government will have to do, and they don't do it well anyway. The closer the resource to the problem, the better the results. When bureaucrats are involved, things go to waste, whether they are church or govt officials. I disagree with the official Catholic perspective of social teaching, since they think that the government should be the arbiter of the benefits. Ryan subscribes to Ayn Rand's viewpoint on laissez-faire capitalism, not her atheistic positions. She emphasized individual rights, which God gave us under His Natural Law. Jesus believed we should be charitable, and I believe that means he summons us to actions as individuals, not as a government bureaucracy. And finally, allowing the job creators more money will let them provide more jobs. It won't just go in their personal pocket, especially since alot of it is company money anyway. Then more people will be paid. Problem solved. HT Restoring Love FB page

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