Monday, December 24, 2018

Light = Hope = Joy

Christmas Eve is my fav time of the Christmas Season. The hustle and bustle is over, its quiet (relatively anyway) and we go to church for a solemn but joyful time of worship to our God, remembering Jesus’ birth. And then home for some traditional tamales and family fun.

It’s the end of the Advent season, when we light the Christ Candle. We have been through 4 parts of Advent. Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child. It is a time of learning, experiencing, reflecting and expressing.

The time between the Old and New Testaments was a very dark time. My pastor says God decided that since His people the Jews were not listening, He would just stop talking. There was 450 years of silence. God was there, but He was quiet. There was a kindling of hope. They probably didn’t know it then, but the Jews were being prepared for the birth of Christ, which would be the fulfillment of all the promises of the Old Testament. There was probably a lot of confusion and fear. But God knew what he was doing. Like the red-hot tiny embers in a campfire, the truth was still there. He was waiting for the right time. And so the Jews had hope. The Jews represent all of us. We had and have hope. No matter how dark it seems. No matter what we have that defines our darkness.

Philippians 2 talks about the light in the world. Back then, it was Jesus, being born into the world. Identified and located by a single unique star in the heavens that attracted men to Him. Advancing 2018 years, that light is us, His believers. We are able to work out our own faith because we have God who has worked IN us. Light is hope.

For those who don’t believe or aren’t paying attention, there is still hope. Your circumstances are not too big for God. God isn’t caught off guard with what you are. Just as two thousand years ago, there is a Light of hope for us who will believe and obey.

That kind of hope is absurd, because it defies all human logic. But not God’s. The light that appears out of the darkness of silence brings Peace, expresses Joy, and shares Love is finalized at the end of the preparation period by the Christ Candle, the Bright Star standing over the manger. Not the way the King was expected to arrive, but that’s the point. God did it his way, ours.

Know that if you are a believer, you are a Light in the world. That’s straight out of the Bible. And if you’re not, know that there is already an ember of Hope, that can be found by following or pursuing the Light. That’s also straight out of the Bible.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased! Luke 2:14.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Point of Light

Best 3 hours I've spent in awhile.

I was in early adulthood when HW was in office. It kind of seemed like a continuation of the Reagan years. I was not paying a great deal of attention to the things going on, but having reviewed them recently, Bush 41 is responsible for quite a few things that now seem commonplace to us. Americans with Disabilities Act, Immigration Act, Points of Light program, the aftermath of the Cold War, and the Gulf War among others. It would seem to provide a good backdrop to some of the issues and problems we face today. As I remember it, he went about his business very methodically, strategically, and without alot of fanfare for the most part. Reagan did some of the high profile work, and Bush continued that in a way we can all enjoy.

There are various reactions to what he did, but no doubt that he made a mark on US history. In later years, we found his personality and presence to be more casual and personable. It seems he always had that, we just didn't see it in his public presence. His local influence and presence here in Houston was very evident. He and Barbara sitting behind home plate at Minute Maid Park was a fond image here, but his efforts in support of citizens, philanthropic activities, and active faith activities speak much more. 

It can be dangerous to connect so well to a public figure who not all accept, but I think its worth the risk. History has proven him out. Hopefully his passing will bring out a light in all of us to share with others in our own way. I was privileged to walk by his casket this evening along with thousands of others. It was very moving to see a state funeral for a man whose legacy will definitely influence others long past his time on Earth. If you have the chance, read more about him, or better yet, go to Aggieland and visit his museum. It will be worth the time spent. 

God bless the Bush family. Rest in Peace, Mr President.

pictured below is the remembrance card we received upon departing the viewing.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Barbara Bush, 1925-2018

As you probably know, First Lady Barbara Bush is lying in repose in her home church here in Houston. What you might not know, is that her Secret Service detail will not leave her side until she is buried. And that her husband of 73 years is sitting in front of her casket right now, greeting mourners as they pass by. 

What a fine legacy this Godly and personable woman has left. She didn't run for anything, she went where her husband did, and found her own calling, which she was still energizing up until recently. She was as comfortable with JJ Watt or the other former presidents as she was with regular folks, some of whom she knew were disadvantaged. She worked for decades to give them something that could not be taken away from them. Literacy and confidence.

Security is tight, traffic is a mess, and lines are long, but people are coming by to pay their last respects to someone they maybe never knew personally, but whom she touched or influenced. We should all be so generous and witty and others oriented. God Bless the Bushes, and all of us as we try to learn from Barbara how to treat each other.

Rest in Peace, Barbara Bush.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Full Circle

Jesus’ ministry started just after John the Baptist was arrested. Matthew 17 says that Jesus began to preach, saying “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Fast forward through preaching, teaching, miracles, mocking, and betrayal, He is also arrested. Tried, convicted, and put to death.

But this is Easter Sunday, and we can now celebrate what both Marys experienced firsthand. The sacrifice is complete. The tomb is empty.  The curtain in the temple is open. Jesus is alive. The crux of our Christian Faith. And we can actually enjoy Heaven here on earth while we are here. Easter is a High Holy Day that is open to all. We worship on Sundays because of Easter. The Easter Lily represents Christ’s resurrection. Blessings and Peace of Christ to all.

He Is Risen.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Are we ruining Good Friday?

I feel like Good Friday has lost its significance. This is not a holiday. Its a day of fasting, remembrance, and prayer for those who believe in the Cross and Resurrection. Some of us have responsibilities or commitments that require this to be a normal day. But this is the only day in all of time that God looked away. And He did that so that Jesus' purpose was fulfilled. And so that 3 days later, Easter Sunday would be possible. The crux of our Christian Faith.
In some ways, perhaps the Church has accommodated this laziness of observance. But mostly, our culture, especially in America, has rolled over it because things are in such a frantic and agitated state. So if each of us goes about this day with a solemn and purposeful awareness of what this means, we can refocus our view of that culture, how we engage it all year long, and be Godly witnesses of what we believe.

About the ninth hour,Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My god, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up His spirit

Matthew 27: 46,50
Without Good Friday, the next Sunday is just another first day of the week. Greetings and Blessings to you and yours.