Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

I find it refreshingly ironic that our Resurrection Day is titled after a Germanic pagan goddess, whom they named the month after. One might say it is just a coincidence, but I don't believe in coincidence. I think God meant it that way to teach us that things are not as we see them, He is Good, and we need to be more open-minded to Him. I think God likes dichotomies. We didn't get dressed up today for nothing. We need to live like we believe what we celebrated today. Most of you will read this on Monday or after. Are we still living during the week the way we acted on Easter Sunday? Not out of guilt or addiction or habit, but of being absolved, hopeful, purposeful. Knowing the end of the story, and that nothing here can take away our prize if we have truly decided to accept the truth of the Gospel. Seize the power of your faith to engage the purpose only you can serve.