Saturday, March 31, 2018

Full Circle

Jesus’ ministry started just after John the Baptist was arrested. Matthew 17 says that Jesus began to preach, saying “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Fast forward through preaching, teaching, miracles, mocking, and betrayal, He is also arrested. Tried, convicted, and put to death.

But this is Easter Sunday, and we can now celebrate what both Marys experienced firsthand. The sacrifice is complete. The tomb is empty.  The curtain in the temple is open. Jesus is alive. The crux of our Christian Faith. And we can actually enjoy Heaven here on earth while we are here. Easter is a High Holy Day that is open to all. We worship on Sundays because of Easter. The Easter Lily represents Christ’s resurrection. Blessings and Peace of Christ to all.

He Is Risen.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Are we ruining Good Friday?

I feel like Good Friday has lost its significance. This is not a holiday. Its a day of fasting, remembrance, and prayer for those who believe in the Cross and Resurrection. Some of us have responsibilities or commitments that require this to be a normal day. But this is the only day in all of time that God looked away. And He did that so that Jesus' purpose was fulfilled. And so that 3 days later, Easter Sunday would be possible. The crux of our Christian Faith.
In some ways, perhaps the Church has accommodated this laziness of observance. But mostly, our culture, especially in America, has rolled over it because things are in such a frantic and agitated state. So if each of us goes about this day with a solemn and purposeful awareness of what this means, we can refocus our view of that culture, how we engage it all year long, and be Godly witnesses of what we believe.

About the ninth hour,Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My god, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up His spirit

Matthew 27: 46,50
Without Good Friday, the next Sunday is just another first day of the week. Greetings and Blessings to you and yours.