Sunday, July 3, 2022

A View on Independence


July 4 2022

July 4 is one of those days that takes no thought to recognize what happened on that day. Anniversaries, birthdays, certain religious holidays etc etc derive enough importance that just a brief mention of them automatically registers in our brain and our hearts. Independence Day for the United States of America is a well-known holiday – even around the world. It is mostly known as a secular, patriotic celebration. But here is a different spin from our Founding Fathers.

The Founding Fathers were highly religious and faith-oriented men. Despite popular thinking, most were not deists. There are plenty of examples of their writings and proclamations that back up their faith and involvement with God in the founding of the country and the writing of the Constitution, as well as in their everyday lives. They were certainly not perfect, but it is important to reflect on their backgrounds and perspectives as they fashioned the nation and Constitution. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were clear in their faith in word and deed. Some were even pastors – Rev Dr John Witherspoon, Robert Treat Paine, Lyman Hall, Francis Hopkinson, Roger Sherman. Other well-known colonists who were active in that time such as Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield were very influential in the culture of the colonies, preaching and influencing communities all over.

Which brings me to Independence Day. John Adams recommended that the day “be celebrated by succeeding generations… as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” And Thomas Jefferson noted “God who gave us life, gave us liberty.” Many early Independence Day celebrations included a faith-based perspective, annually recognizing God’s influence in our nation’s independence and creation.

I hope we will all thank Almighty God on this most important national holiday for what he has trusted us with.

There are many other examples of Divine influence in our independence and founding, and I for one am grateful that we have that Godly foundation of our nation. I think I see it rising again from God and in His people. Pray for our Nation. God knows.

Information and quotes from The American Story, by David Barton and Tim Barton.

Have an excellent and enjoyable Independence Day 2022!

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