Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve, 2017

Christmas Eve, 2017

When I wrote this, I opened my computer software to type it out. Its called Word. So here is a Word.

Its been a crazy year, that 2017. And reminiscing about it can be left for next week. But as we sit in the darkness of Christmas Eve, I look back on this year. Some of it good, some of it not so much. Some of it was dark. Very dark. But there was always a light. Sometimes it was the sun, rising up in the morning. Sometimes it was a mechanical light, glowing in the dark of night, because we were kept up. Sometimes it was daytime, but a light showed up anyway because that was what was needed.

I have written in the past on this Eve about the starry host of angels proclaiming the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. But tonight, the focus is on the source of the Light. John 1 talks about how the Word was with God, became flesh, was life, and the life became the Light of men. The Light shined in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Note the change to present tense.

Christmas Eve has almost as much meaning to me as Christmas Day. Christmas Eve is quiet, kinda solemn, and the preparation for the big day. Very Peaceful. For those of us who celebrate Advent, it is the final day of that period. It is a preparation period, and tonight is the last of it. There is some Joy and celebration, but the best is yet to come. And we anticipate it with great Hope. This year, Christmas Eve happens to fall on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Its theme is Love. If you were in the Greater Houston area over the past few months, you experienced and/or gave love. I saw it; I experienced it. It was reported on the news, but nothing like you felt if you were here. Probably also in Florida, California, and other places.  Love is like light. It pierces the bad, damage, catastrophe, loss. But it does it in a way we don’t expect, can’t always comprehend, and can’t do ourselves. That’s because love is a divine concept. It was first shown to us by God the Father, who sent His Son here, and who ultimately was killed on a tree, for nothing He did, but for ALL of what we did. Regardless of what it was.

The Bible gives us some detail about the birth of Jesus. Alot of it is common knowledge. No room in the inn. Stayed in a stable with the animals, Born and placed in a manger in swaddling cloths, not a cute onesie. But have you thought of this? What did Joseph think of all this. What did the innkeeper think? How did they find the stable? Did it all work out. Yes. The way Joseph thought? No. But God spoke to him through an angel to give him a heads up. So there was some direction. A light. The shepherds saw a bunch of lights. And a single star that lead them to the place where Jesus lay. And it was all working out the way God intended. Not in our time, in His. Not by our means, by His.

Jesus grew up to be a man. He experienced everything that we have, except sin. We have experienced that. And if we were to stop and think about it, we might come across the idea that perhaps there is another way to do this. Whatever “this” is. Could it be that there is more to this life than what we know, more than what we see? If Christmas is anything to those who believe, it is an example of things happening that are not what we expect. If Christmas is anything for those who don’t believe, perhaps it is a Word that pierces the darkness, a Light that shines and clarifies. Provides some answers or some new perspective.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!

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