Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Of Lights and Trees, at Christmas Time

Of lights and trees.

At first there was dark, but then there was a light. And it was good. There was a tree, actually many trees, but only one to stay away from. And that turned out badly. There were many years of flickers, clues, distress, dark. Then, in the dark of night, another light appeared in Human form. Light pierced the darkness, and gave Glory to God in the Highest. Some followed the light to visit. And it was good.

The Light grew in knowledge and power, and He spoke. Spoke light into the world. Then he was on another tree, a dead tree, and that was very dark, very bad. Three days later, in the morning, the light came up, the darkness was filled with light, and a Glow shone around Him. He rose and departed to make a place for men of good will. Finally, another tree appeared, called the Tree of Life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, and leaves that were for the healing of nations. No longer any curse, no darkness. The Light shone and his people reigned on earth forever. "These words are faithful and true...
And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book." Last quote from Reveleation 22.

Merry Christmas!!! Find your light...