Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see?
He had no gift to bring, so he played his drum for Him, pah-rum-pah-pum-pum.
Today marks the end of Advent, the season of Waiting. For today, in a manger, long ago, the Christ Child was born to us. King. God. Man. Tempted in many ways, to be an example to us, but perfect anyway. How do we know about this Birth? Because it was announced to the people all through time. Broadcast, as my friend Aaron Cotton told us a week ago. No accident, the news was dropped in across time, as noted in Genesis 49:10 He is to come from Judah. 2 Samuel 7:12 He is to come from the line of David. Isaiah 7:14 He would be born of a virgin. Isaiah 9:6-7 Many names, one God forever. Hosea 11:1 He would flee from Egypt. Micah 5:2 He is to be born in Bethlehem.
Luke tells us that the shepherds left their flocks and went to see the Baby Jesus. They were told about it by the angels who told them of Great News, and then the shepherds spread the word of their findings all around. Matthew tells us of the Magi, talking to Herod, who had bad intentions. The Magi followed the Star from the east to the west, until it stopped over Bethlehem. Yes, it stopped. Retrograde motion, look it up. And then John summarizes for us that the Word was with God, was God, and became flesh.He lived among us.
This promise is repeated and confirmed. Anything that is repeated in the Bible is very important, and I think this qualifies! The promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament, and everything changes from there. The Law is the Law, and Jesus came to fulfill it, but He came to breath new life into us. John also says that the Christ came to the world, but the world did not know Him. They did not recognize Him. They did not receive Him. Those of us who have received Him are adopted. Chosen. Set apart. We are different, and we act that way. Most of the time. And God is good with that. He has chosen jars of clay to spread the word. Shepherds, the lowliest of men, and kings, the highest. And everything in between.
And so, as the angels worshiped, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to all men, on whom his favor rests," and announced the birth of Christ, we are the adopted ones, the beneficiaries of that Good News, and it is to be spread by us, just as the angels and shepherds did. By voice and by action.
Merry Christmas to all!!!